I learned an interesting fact in my Stochastic Processes class the other day, and IÂ managed to come up with an easier way to present it than using Markov chains (which are really cool, but not conducive to making a good blog post).
The question was about the expected number of flips with a fair coin before seeing two tails in a row (TT), compared to a head then a tail (HT). Intuitively, most people (including myself and the professor) thought the expected number of flips should be the same. There’s an equal chance of getting a head as a tail, so why would it make a difference?
Let’s walk through the calculation though. I don’t have good intuition as to why it makes since we get the answer we do, but it is fun either way!
Let’s call the expected (see: average) number of flips before seeing two consecutive tails , and let’s start flipping some coins! If our first flip is a head, which occurs half of the time, our new expected number of flips is
, as we got a flip that occurs half of the time, and we only flipped once. What if we flipped a tail (so close!) but then a head? This happens with probability
, so the adjusted expected value would be
. Finally, what if we were able to flip 2 tails in a row, which occurs with probability
? Well that is just 2 flips, so the expected number of flips would be 2. Thus in total we get the equation
Solving this (I won’t show my work), you end up with . Thus we expect to need 6 flips before getting consecutive tails.
So what about ? Our equations will look a little different, since if we flip
we “miss” our target, but still end up closer to our target than starting at zero flips. So suppose we flip a tail. Then the expected number is
similar to before. But if we flip two heads in a row, we are 1 flip away now, so our expected number of flips will be
. Finally, if we flip a head then tail the expected number is
. So in total we have
Solving this we get that . Well that seems odd. It takes fewer flips on average to obtain a head then a tail, than to get two tails in a row. As I said before, I still don’t have great intuition on this result, but it is interesting (and true!) Probability is always a fun little game.