George Floyd, Minneapolis, and Processing

It’s hard to form any words that describe the thoughts swirling in my head with regards to the situation in Minneapolis. I can’t deny the selfish thoughts in my head: A week after I come back to Minnesota to be with family for the summer, this all happens. There’s also the privilege I hold that allows me to sit here and process everything from the safety of my home (or even potentially ignore it if I had a mind to.)

There is also the open question of what those protesting are specifically protesting against. It’s difficult to protest against an idea, when the action to be taken is all of society changing. This doesn’t put them in the wrong; people have protested for less, and they have the right to do so. Seeing people marching in the streets is inspiring; I think some people want to ignore it, to demonize them, to believe that somehow the world is past the need for such actions. However, the state of the world, and our country, is despicable and tensions just keep rising.

This is difficult. I can’t begin to effectively pour my heart out to those affected and those actively participating. The words I have are broken and ineffective. Yet, I need to address it directly, even if the address is short and insufficient. On the day this is published, I plan to go down to Minneapolis with a couple friends and help clean up what is leftover from the riots. There are many ways to help the community and to show kindness. It’s something I can do.

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