The Wedding Approaches

I’m writing this over the course of several days before Erin and I get married. I’ll note when these thoughts were written down.

10 Days Out
The weirdest part about having the wedding in a location you have complete control over is that you are constantly surrounded by both the good and the bad parts of the current state of everything. One minute you can be enthralled by what the space has become, followed by a moment of panic as you see what still needs to be done.

However, I’ll take this set of emotions over the anticlimactic experience of setting up and tearing down a wedding in the same day. That is hectic, and I feel like I’d miss out on some of the wedding with everything going on. Our wedding will certainly be hectic as well, but within parameters that we fully understand given our familiarity with everything here.

9 Days Out
Details can be fun when you’re in control, and mind-numbing or annoying when held onto by someone else.

Today Erin and I discussed the timeline and shot list with our photographers, and put together a nice print-out of the bar menu. We enjoyed the process for both of these. Although the bar menu needed a bit of revision and a reprint due to strange technical issues, it turned out well and we were thrilled when it was all put together in a nice wooden frame.

There are far more details that, due to the fact we’ve been in California, we simply haven’t been as hands-on with. We get decision fatigue when faced with these, or feel like we’ve had the same conversation dozens of times. It’s draining, yet the optimistic take I have to keep in mind is that we have people around us who so thoroughly care about us having a good time, that they’ve taken on the burden of these details for us.

8 Days Out
This weekend I get to focus on the friends I’ve been lucky enough to have around me all this time. The bachelor party will be huge fun, but I also won’t lose sight of what it means to me.

6 Days Out
I’m incredibly pleased by how the bachelor party went. Getting to spend the whole weekend with the set of guys who mean the most to me was a joy and privilege. It’s set the tone for the wedding for me, and I feel ready to attack this upcoming week.

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