Going Back to iA Writer

I’ve finally decided to go back to using iA Writer on my iPad. This has several knock-on effects, with the most notable being that my drafts will all be synced via iCloud.

I say “drafts” because my plan is still to use Dropbox as long-term storage. I now have a monthly reminder to copy completed blog posts over to the proper spot in Dropbox1I’m sure there’s some automation to do this, but I don’t really care enough for the scale at which I work. and will only use iCloud for in-progress work.

I’ll continue checking iA Writer’s stability with Dropbox. However, I’m content to use an app I thoroughly enjoy for a small bugaboo of a process change. Plus, the WordPress integration is a true integration, rather than a Javascript-based set of actions that amounts to a copy-paste.

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    I’m sure there’s some automation to do this, but I don’t really care enough for the scale at which I work.

Starting on Guitar Maintenance

An uncle on my dad’s side has been a guitarist on the side for years. We don’t talk about it too often, but now that he’s getting older and preferring instruments with better ergonomics, he offered me a Stratocaster that he really enjoyed but wasn’t playing anymore. I happily took him up on the offer.

It plays beautifully, with a well-maintained neck that feels comfortable and fast. However, some of the metal hardware has begun rusting.1I don’t know how long he had this guitar, but it was definitely purchased used. My guess is that dealing with this aging hardware simply wasn’t a high priority. My plan is to use this as a first step in understanding how to maintain my guitars. Until now, I’ve changed the strings and left further setup to professionals. They do an exceptional job, but you pay for it. Considering this guitar was free, it seems appropriate to determine what I can learn to do for free.

Maintaining your own tools both helps you use them better, and provides a better sense of ownership over them. The first experience with this I can remember is oiling up my baseball gloves each year. It’s a small task, but a necessary one to extend the lifespan of the leather. More recently, it was working with computers and operating systems, gaining comfort with technology and understanding how far I’m willing to go to get the result I want. I plan to develop a sense of those boundaries with guitars as well, particularly electrics because they’re sturdier and simpler than acoustics.

I’ll write up something once I complete the process, with some before and after pictures. I figure the worst that could happen is I mess it up slightly and end up bringing it in to a shop, but if I can at least manage cleaning it, the cost of anything else is reduced.

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    I don’t know how long he had this guitar, but it was definitely purchased used. My guess is that dealing with this aging hardware simply wasn’t a high priority.

Five Years of Comical Start

Last week I released Episode 257 of Comical Start, Pockets of Conversation. Its publish date is just a few days after the 5th year anniversary of our first episode, Multiverse. Grant was unable to record with me, so here is a lightly-edited transcript1I used the slick program MacWhisper to get this done. of the 25 minute monologue that I did off the dome.

Continue reading “Five Years of Comical Start”
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    I used the slick program MacWhisper to get this done.

MuseScore and the Democratization of Document Creation

I find music scores to be absolutely beautiful documents. In middle school I was engrossed by creating my own music and, more importantly, writing it down. There’s video evidence of me being jazzed about receiving a “Lyricist’s Notebook” for Christmas around that time. I also recall purchasing a journal of staff paper for ambitious ideas I had. Yet turning musical ideas into something that can be shared, let alone something that would look good, felt out of reach. When the itch to create music struck me again last week I remembered a new-to-me program, MuseScore, that changed everything.

Continue reading “MuseScore and the Democratization of Document Creation”