Dear Representative DeLauro,
I’ve never written to my representatives. I’ve voted in elections, chatted idly with friends at times, but otherwise admit to not being terribly participatory in the political process.
I’m writing now because I am deeply concerned about recent policy decisions—or attempts at policy decisions—from the Trump administration that affect my friends and millions of Americans’ well-being. The rapid pace and nature of these changes threaten the democratic principles I believe we all value.
As a new constituent of yours, I urge you to oppose the attempts of the Republican party to consolidate power under Trump; please continue to support robust congressional oversight and to vocally oppose any attempts to circumvent constitutional checks and balances. There is no compromise to be found in this situation full of blatantly unlawful actions.
I can’t begin to imagine what working in D.C. is like right now, so you have my sympathy and my support. Work to remind everyone that everyone there was elected by people, not by money. It’s easy to feel powerless right now, but engaging with my representatives and sharing my support feels crucial for preserving our democracy.
Thank you for the work you do. I moved to Connecticut late last summer from San Francisco, and I grew up in Minnesota, so I’m pleased to live in another state that is working to make progress in the world and not succumb to baser instincts.
All the best,
Mark Richard