Marriage License Application

Turns out, this is pretty easy. Of course you’re dealing with a government service center, so the timing of everything is a little whacky. But, once we got to our counter, it only took a few minutes.1Several typos by the person assisting us was the only thing that slowed down the process. One interesting aspect in Minnesota is that they suggest (require?) an online pre-application, which is all the information they need beyond a government ID to cross-check your birthday. This is the stage where you choose to change your name. It turns out, that information does not stick to the pre-application, and they just ask you again at the counter. Better safe than sorry, I suppose.

Now, we have a lovely manila envelope with everything we need to be legally bound in a few months. It’s another exciting, concrete step to end a lovely time at home visiting family.

  • 1
    Several typos by the person assisting us was the only thing that slowed down the process.

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