More Nostalgic Reading

Earlier this year I reread (and finally finished) the Inheritance Cycle, which is the series with Eragon. It’s an excellent set of books that had a lot of nostalgia for me. Now that my month-long writing spring is over, I’ve been able to start reading more and the next series I’m focused on is also somewhat nostalgia-fueled. I’m reading His Dark Materials (the most well-known book being the first in the trilogy, The Golden Compass). I first read this series back in 7th grade, and I remember enjoying it but remember very little about the specifics. I also know that it is a fantasy written by the author in his own voice, not written for a particular audience. In that way it’s very approachable and enjoyable for anyone, and I’m enjoying reading it from an adult perspective. It’s not totally fresh, as plot points and characters are coming back to me as I read, but it’s good so far. It makes for a fun and exciting read, and I’m looking forward to working my way through the trilogy this month.

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