Planning Leisure

It turns out that juggling leisure time can be as complicated as juggling projects. Deciding both how much time to spend, and what to spend it on, has been difficult for me this year. There’s a long list of shows I’d like to take the time to watch, yet any given moment it doesn’t feel “worthwhile” in some way.

Part of it is a value judgement, similar to my approach to reading old or new books, fiction or nonfiction. I need to work on striking a balance, while acknowledging that I won’t keep up with everything. If leisure is work, then it’s not leisure. While that’s an obvious statement once spoken, I have a hard time fully internalizing its truth. I want to keep working at arranging my life so that I make good use of my time, where “good” is defined by how I feel about time spent.

One improvement is the creation of a shared watchlist with Erin. We have a better sense of what we want to watch when we decide to make the time. Perhaps it would also be beneficial to make these “events”, something that we plan out ahead of time and commit to in the same way we’d go to the theater. It’s something to keep toying with.

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