A few weeks ago I decided to get a membership to the San Diego Zoo. I’d only been once before, back when I was an intern, and had an amazing time. After talking with a few people, I discovered the a membership for the entire year is about the cost of two tickets. So, I decided to give it a whirl. I’ve already gone twice, so everything from now is a bonus.
Continue reading “The Zoo!”A Small Open Math Project
The other week, a student posted on /r/math that they made a summary of multivariable calculus. As they point out, it’s an 80-page summary, but at least it’s shorter than the textbook it followed.
The student admitted they’d used Google Docs, as opposed to LaTeX, to make these notes, and the images they used were just taken from the internet. As a result, a Github project was opened up for people to turn it into LaTeX, and I’ve taken it upon myself to slowly recreate the figures using Asymptote.
They will be added to a Dropbox folder as I make them. It’s been a fun idle project, and I’m happy to make small contributions like this. It just further confirms that I seem to be in the correct industry.
Mental Transition Costs
I’m pretty aware of the idea of transition costs, and I’ve experienced them first-hand quite a lot throughout college. Moving into a new apartment comes with many potential transition costs. So does getting a new computer, or changing operating systems. These are all costs that I have some practice handling, and they don’t tend to bother me. In fact, the prospect of handling them can be exciting. But recently, I’ve been dealing with mental transition costs.
Continue reading “Mental Transition Costs”Dynamical Systems
Earlier this year, I started working on a programming project. I recently added a little more to it, and worked out a handful of kinks. It’s been fun, but I think I’m winding down on it. I’m sure in some spurts of passion I’ll work on it some more, but I’ve moved on to another Python-related project, that also gets to the core of my interests: mathematics.
Continue reading “Dynamical Systems”Algorithmic Thinking and Metacognition
I’m teaching a math camp for students entering 6th grade. It’s my first time being the teacher of record for a course, and luckily it only took a few minutes for my anxiety to subside. It’s a small group – only 9 kids – so it reminds me of my days being a camp counselor, except now it’s talking about math with very advanced kids for 3 hours a day. It’s been a blast.
Continue reading “Algorithmic Thinking and Metacognition”Year of Focus
During a recent recording of OHAC, we talked about yearly themes. In short, yearly themes are meant to be broader versions of resolutions. They are not necessarily defined by explicit goals, but rather a frame of mind, or a general approach to the upcoming year. We talk about it in that episode, and there are links to episodes of the podcast Cortex with more information about the idea of yearly themes.
My theme is the *Year of Focus*. Now that I have more freetime on my hands, I want to use it to help improve my attention span and make significant progress on projects I put off while in college. The first step in this, before it was even official, was the reading binge I’ve written about a few times now.
Entering the Dead Period
The Super Bowl ended not too long ago. It was an incredibly boring game (especially when compared to last year’s shootout extravaganza.). In a way, that is fitting. I spend a good chunk of time about 7 months out of the year watching baseball. Once baseball is over in early November, I transition to college and professional football. It is less frequent than baseball, but fills the sports-shaped void in my heart well enough.
Now all that is over. It is a dead period of sports for me. This boring game was the perfect transition, since there was no excitement to get hungover on the next morning.
Of course there are other sports, if I cared much about them. For example, NBA and NHL seasons are still ongoing (I think?) and there is of course March Madness in a month. But those have never been events I’ve taken much liking to watching remotely. I do enjoy attending any sporting event in person, but baseball and football are the main American professional sports whose seasons I actually follow.
What I am curious to discover is if my general feelings change being in California as opposed to Minnesota. In Minnesota, winter was always a tough period for sports because I was not a big hockey fan, and there were no other sports one could play outside. Football was theoretically an option, but organizing games becomes increasingly difficult as you get older. Spring and summer were always the best because you could play any sport outside. Whether it was just playing catch, getting a few friends to play soccer or throw a frisbee around, or just play with my own boomerang, spring and summer were always significantly more active for me. Now that I’m in (southern) California, I have less excuses for letting this dead period of sports align with a dead period of fun physical activity for me.
I do expect to be better this year. I recently moved to a new place where there is a fitness center a very short walk from my door. There are some open parks in the area. I have far more options in general than I had during this time of year in Minnesota, and I want to take advantage of that as much as possible. But for now, I guess I just have to wait until March for baseball’s spring training to start up.
Whale Watching
This weekend I went whale watching for the first time. It was a fantastic experience. I went with Offshore Blue Adventures, which I’d probably consider the premier experience for anybody who wants to see whales and dolphins up close. They use an inflatable boat, similar to what the Coast Guard or Navy SEALs would use. The benefits of small boats on the ocean is that they ride large swells very easily; the benefits of small boats when whale and dolphin watching is that you can get closer without scaring off the animals.
We say quite a few gray whales, far more than our guide would have expected. We also saw two pods of dolphins. I had quite an obsession with whales growing up, yet beyond the odd beluga in an zoo setup, I have never actually seen one. This was one of my favorite mornings I’ve spent in San Diego so far.
Here is a Dropbox folder with a few videos I took. They were on my phone in a moving boat, but I did the best I could.