Baseball is Back

Although I missed another Monday deadline (spring break has really gotten me in disarray), it was for good reason. My parents were visiting in San Diego, and it was fun getting to do some of the more “tourist” type places with people who had fresh eyes for the area.

But more importantly, my dad and I went to Petco Park to watch the Padres. Baseball season is finally back, and it makes me incredibly happy.

For most of my life, the start of baseball season has signaled warm weather, and just a certain reawakening for the year. Although this was much more apparent in Minnesota, even in San Diego I feel warmer weather, think of fresh cut grass, and just get this feeling of joy that not much else is able to provide. Baseball has always been magical. It’s a sport that is easy to engage with, easy to find someone to mess around with, and just has a pristine quality to it that no other sport manages to capture in my mind.

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